About us
Method to our Madness
Maniarchy Origins
What is Maniarchy? To begin with the brand name's pronunciation is (Mane E Archy). Maniarchy is a streetwear brand that represents a rebellious misunderstood youth. This adolescent takes influence from the y2k underground aesthetic.
Maniarchy Bio
What does the name mean?
Maniarchy represents a person that is “mad” or manic. When you're manic symptoms include:
- Increased activity working on multiple things at once
- Mood: Feeling extremely happy, elated, or overjoyed
- Rapid speech and increased talkativeness
- Racing thoughts with quickly changing ideas.
- Distracted easily
- Increased risky behavior such as reckless driving and spending sprees
- Decreased need for sleep.
How does this correlate?
A lot of the underground culture consists of some of these behaviors in different scenarios. The brand owner suffers from these symptoms. So instead of living like somethings wrong he’s molding the world to act similar to him. Everyone has a wild rebellious side somewhere and this is to appeal to that. The thought of living out your dreams and doing the things you wanted to not caring if you fail or not is the message. Basically living “Mad or on edge” and living the lifestyle you want to live. Even if people don't see your vision or your parents call you crazy. That is the “Maniarchy lifestyle”.
It's basically a chase your dreams message.
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Maniarchy is trying to promote originality and people acting like their true selves. A lot of people in gen z all act similar. People are trying to be other people and the social media personalities instead of themselves to “fit in” or “be popular”.Maniarchy seeks to popularize being authentic and true to yourself. People are afraid to act outside of societal norms and fear of “being weird”. We are saying of 8 billion people on earth there is most likely someone who feels and acts the same way you do inside. We want to normalize “being weird, crazy” being you.
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Public service announcement:
Maniarchy is not about being violent or promoting rebellion or law breaking. We are just promoting being unique. Everyone has a unique dream,style, and thought process. We want diversity again.
Why do we pronounce it Mane?
Why do we pronounce it Mane? We Pronounce it “Mane” because in Memphis they have a slang where “mane” means man. It's one of the many words that are said differently because Memphis, TN has its own style. Memphis is important to maniarchy because the owner is originally from memphis. Much of his style, lingo etc originates there.
Mission Statement
Archy means to rule by. So the whole Word is Maniarchy which means “To rule by madness' '. When we say rule by madness we say do your own thing. Don't be afraid to act how you want to act so that you can fit in with society and live governed by what everyone thinks. Be authentic. Be original. Be the wild card. Be on that Maniarchy S**t.